I’m such a hellacool mom…I got permission from my kid to attend!

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Some days it seems my existence in my teenagers’ world “is the problem” The way I breath, blink, sneeze. Somehow it’s disturbing. It’s as if I need her permission to be, to live.



I was talking with my best friend as her daughter prepares for prom.  One of the parents invited the other parents over for pictures and to hang as the girls get ready. Sarcastically, yet honestly, she said she needed to get permission. Another mom said her daughter granted her the right to join. And another said hers was on board too.



My friend’s daughter said though after that you can go. You don’t need to go to the other person’s house for pictures, etc. Keep in mind she’s the youngest of three, so once she said that, my friend is like cool, if you’re sure we’ve got plans! Her daughter may have stuttered a little and well maybe she does want them there?! 


As hellacoolmoms we need to not exist, yet be mindreaders. We need to grace them with our presence, yet not be around. We need to know they take their moods out on us, yet know it has nothing to do with us. And finally show them what love looks like unconditionally and how to accept it.













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