The Humorhood

Hella Cool Mom (HCM) was an idea I had in 2007. I bought the domain and have sat with it ever since. My son was maybe 1 year old at the time. I didn’t know what I wanted to do with HCM. I was thinking I was young and hip at the time and this when was the new trend of mommy blogs was taking off.


As time passes, as it always does, I wasn’t so young and hip anymore, but I was involved. Involved in the grassroots of an upcoming school, a baseball coach mom, basketball coach, t-ball assistant coach, art teacher, classroom reader and more. In fact all the mom’s around seem to be running the world! I thought HCM would be a great place to share resources: art lessons, garden groups, science boards, etc. But still nothing happened with HCM.

About 2013 we moved to a new area and my kids were 9 and 6 at the time. They were sitting around telling momma jokes like, “Your momma’s so fat Nationwide can’t even get on her side.” They went on and on cracking themselves up.


With the jokes in mind I started to think about HCM as a sarcastic outlet for stories of frustration or my kids’ frustration that turn into humor:
“I’m such a hella cool mom, I put myself in timeouts.”
“I’m such a hella cool mom, I make my kids finish their homework before electronics.”
“I’m such a hella cool mom, I consult Common Sense Media when deciding on a movie to watch.”
“I’m such a hella cool mom, I yell at my kids unable to stop myself.”


Now it’s 2022, 15 years later and living in a new state. My kids are teen-tweenagers. The skinned knees have turned into the “I hate yous,” but the struggle is still very real. I’m been looking for something to help me process some of this sh!t that’s hard to go through. I found my old notes on HCM and NOW I know what I want it to be.


A place to share stories of the “horrors”, I mean “humor” from the hood. Funny, sarcastic, gritty stuff you need to get off your chest. Frustrating stories when looking back you can see the humor.


Welcome to Hella Cool Moms. Let the games begin. A place to relate and laugh out loud at ourselves.

-Michelle Harwood